Meet the team.

Nicole Crane

Team Leader

Nicole Crane has 20+ years working in disability services in various roles, including direct service provision for state, local, and non-government agencies. She was recently part of the pilot program My Way and supported individuals and families through the transition to WANDIS and then NDIS. Her Local Coordination experience included individualised planning, development of goals and linkages with service providers from disability, health, justice, and community agencies. Nicole has a keen interest in advocacy, training, and development within the sector.

Nicole Crane, Pillar Support Coordinators

Saurav Chapagain Supervising Specialist Support Coordinator

Saurav is passionate about providing holistic practice through person- centred and strength-based supports that build independence and reduce barriers. Saurav holds a Diploma in Community Services and a Certificate IV in Mental Health. He brings years of experience working within the mental health and disability sectors where he has seen amazing stories of strength, inspiration, and achievement. Saurav sees the best in every person and views his role as supporting people to write their own story of hopes, dreams, and empowerment so they can form positive connections with community and live their best life. Saurav is also fluent in Nepali and Hindi.

Sam Tully
Supervising Specialist Support Coordinator

Sam Tully has 6+ years’ experience in the disability sector and NDIS funding, working in support coordination, community supports, supported independent living, and therapy/equipment services roles. Sam has qualifications in Psychology and Counselling and is passionate about supporting individuals and families to access the services that meet their needs.

Sharri Roepen

Participant Engagement Officer

Sharri has 10 years’ experience in administration roles focussed on service provision and, more recently, assessing experience in the aged care sector. Sharri has lived experience of navigating the NDIS, assisting her father since he was diagnosed with a progressive disease. She’s proud of how he’s managing and taking positive steps to enjoy his life. Sharri is passionate about using her experience to help others navigate the NDIS and live fulfilling lives.
Sharri Roepen - Participant Engagement Officer

Linda Willoughby

Participant Engagement Officer

Linda has a strong passion for supporting people and is always available with a friendly ear to help with any queries or referrals. Linda has over 13 years experience working within the disability sector in customer service and administration roles.

Chelsea Bailey

Senior Support Coordinator

Chelsea has 17 years’ experience working in the health care and disability sector, including service coordination, individual support, and nursing. Chelsea also has lived experience of disability gained through growing up in her family home. As a passionate advocate for an inclusive, welcoming, and equal society, Chelsea relishes providing opportunities for all people to live their best life.

Denise Laycock

Senior Support Coordinator

Denise Laycock has 30+ years’ experience working with individuals with disability and/or mental health needs, assisting them and their families/carers to access funding, services/supports. Her vast experience and knowledge have seen her work across multiple sectors and roles across the globe. More recently, Denise has assisted individuals to transition to the NDIS and to navigate the system. She helps people understand how to access services and supports and plan for the future while enabling people to advocate for their own needs and wishes.

Keeley Faram

Senior Support Coordinator

Keeley has 10+ years’ experience in the disability sector, primarily in residential accommodation settings. More recently, Keeley has worked in mental health support and has a keen interest in indigenous culture. Passionate about inclusivity, Keeley aims to increase awareness and support people to live their best life, whether this is in achieving their goals or creating new ones. Keeley takes a person-centered approach and is a strong advocate for helping people find their voice.

Kathryn James

Senior Support Coordinator

Kathryn has worked in the disability sector for 5 years where she has provided support coordination, employment services, and acted as a team leader. Kathryn’s career spans various sectors such as legal, government, finance, and not-for-profit organisations, allowing her to acquire a diverse set of transferable skills.

John Manansala

Senior Support Coordinator

John has worked within the disability sector for the past 5 years in various roles including acting area services supervisor, team leader, and support coordinator. John is driven by a deep passion for advocating for people living with disability and is committed to ensuring they receive the necessary support to build their capacity and resilience, achieve their goals, and improve their quality of life.

Naomi Manganaro

Senior Support Coordinator

Naomi Manganaro has worked in disability for 8+ years. Her wealth of knowledge is grounded by having an adult son with disability. Naomi has vast experience in administration, health, the Disability Services Commission, and participation engagement. With her son being a part of the NDIS since the beginning, Naomi has managed the ins and outs of the scheme and ridden the highs and lows. Naomi recognises the importance of being given opportunities and not underestimating one’s abilities.

Naomi Manganaro, Pillar Support Coordinators

Rachel Stuart Senior Support Coordinator / Psychosocial Recovery Coach

Rachel joins the team with a strong passion for inclusion, advocacy, and empowering people to live their best life. Holding a Bachelor of Social Work and a Bachelor of Social Science, Rachel brings a wealth of case management skills from working within the Thrive program to support people to maintain tenancies and improve their wellbeing. This experience in supporting housing tenure for people facing significant life challenges has equipped Rachel with a vast understanding of the barriers people face in dealing with complex systems. This is particularly valuable in connecting people with local support services and helping people to navigate the NDIS.

Em Dempster

Senior Support Coordinator

Em loves to crack a joke. She can laugh at herself and enjoys meeting people on all walks of life.

She has over 20 years’ experience in the industry, holds a degree in Social Sciences, and is also busy with her Master’s in Social Work.

Being a Support Coordinator is Em’s passion. With her background in disability, child protection, and aged care, she’s learned to celebrate all types of wins. Her focus is on the small steps, and development of the relationships of the person’s support team.

Her motto as a Support Coordinator is to walk beside people, not to walk behind and push. She likes to actively listen and create a safe space for people. When asked what she means by that, she said it’s to listen to the meaning behind each word. Her person-centred focus means to make the participant the actual centre of their world, in all aspects of their lives, hear their voice, and give them choice and control.

To Em, being a Support Coordinator is a long-term commitment, not just a job.

Sam Baillie
Senior Support Coordinator

Sam has worked in disability support for 8 years, including as a support worker, coordinator, and in leadership roles. Sam focuses her support on person-centred planning to empower individuals and help them achieve personal goals. Sam prioritises independence, inclusion, and capacity building, and enjoys building positive relationships with those she supports.

Sue Deering

Senior Support Coordinator

With 6+ years’ experience in the disability sector, Sue enjoys helping people and has a strong sense of social justice. She has worked as the Pilbara Regional Coordinator for the Australian Government Departments of Health and Ageing / Family and Community Services, as well as in the WA Department of Communities as a Local Coordinator. More recently, her Support Coordination alongside individuals and families has helped them make the most of their NDIS plan.

Patience Chakombera
Support Coordinator

You’ll be hard put to find someone with a bubblier personality than Patience. Her big smile and warm voice immediately pull you in.

But you shouldn’t underestimate her. Her qualifications and work experience make her a force to be reckoned with. She combines a BSc in Nursing and a Certificate IV in Aged Care with over 15 years’ experience in aged care, and 9 years in mental health.

Patience walks the walk when it comes to holistic care, addressing people’s physical, emotional, and mental well-being. This stems from a genuine desire to have a positive impact in the lives of others. She loves supporting people on their road to recovery. In her previous role as a Senior Recovery Partner, she was able to do just that.

As your Support Coordinator, she can’t wait to help you achieve your goals and regain your independence.

Anne Dourado da Rocha
Support Coordinator

Anne has a diverse skill set and a deep commitment to social justice and inclusion. After working in the community health field, where she gained invaluable experience collaborating with individuals, families, and other professionals, she transitioned her career to focus more on social and community services.

With a Master of Social Work, her expertise lies in providing holistic support through a person-centred and strength-based approach, nurturing independence, and supporting people to overcome barriers and achieve their life goals.

Anne is fluent in Portuguese.

Chas Houston
Support Coordinator

After her cousin was diagnosed with cerebral palsy, Chas saw her aunty struggle to make do. The limited available resources and lack of funding made it difficult for her family to live quality lives. The experience ignited a fire in Chas; she wanted to work alongside people with disability.

Armed with a Bachelor of Social Sciences and diplomas in counselling, she focuses her time on improving the lives of others.

Her experience is second to none. She’s led mental health teams, residential teams, and worked in a variety of community services case management roles.

In a career spanning over 2 decades, she’s developed a passion for early intervention. Now as part of the Pillar team, she combines her knowledge and expertise to help people like her cousin live their best possible lives.

Jenni Murray
Support Coordinator (mat. leave)

Jenni has worked within the community services and disability sectors for 13 years in a variety of roles including support worker, residential manager, and case worker.

She has a Bachelor of Science in Psychology and is always striving to expand her knowledge and develop new skills to help people achieve their goals and live their best life.

Kelly Twartz

Support Coordinator

Kelly has worked directly with people with disability and their families since 2015. She empowers people to achieve their goals, to create new goals, and to feel in control of their lives. Prior to her career in the disability sector, Kelly worked in other community services, particularly as a housing support worker to help families in crisis resolve issues and achieve positive outcomes. Kelly is passionate about helping people reach their goals and enjoys developing professional, positive relationships.

Miah Carr
Youth Peer Worker / Psychosocial Recovery Coach

Do you want to strike up a conversation with Miah? Just mention the topic of true crime and you’ll see her eyes light up. She finds the extremes of human behaviour absolutely fascinating. No wonder she completed her Bachelor’s in Criminology.

But her true passion lies in making a difference. Especially in the lives of people who can’t advocate for themselves. Miah saw how abuse had devastated a loved family member. The impact of this horrific act fuelled her to be a beacon of hope to others.

That’s why she also completed a Bachelor’s and Postgraduate Diploma in Psychology. She loves combining her professional knowledge with her lived experience to help others achieve their goals.

Miah gained invaluable experience over the past few years working in the disability sector. She worked with developmental, neurological, and acquired disability across the lifespan.

Knowing she’s making a difference, makes it easy for Miah to go to work every day. And her enthusiasm is contagious. She inspires a holistic and person-centred approach to mental health and overall wellbeing.