Our social workers are here to support you

At Pillar, our social workers in Perth are experts on understanding people and their situation. We keep the conversation going to learn more about you. We’re here to break down the barriers.

We have an extensive network of peers in WA to help you reach your goals, where you can move at the pace you’re comfortable with.

Please see our social work services below.

Pillar support coordinators working with NDIS service providers

Psychosocial assessment

A psychosocial assessment could make a big difference in your life.

Our social workers take a holistic approach. We consider your physical support needs, background history, social situation, mental health, and emotional wellbeing. All this information will help you, and us, better understand your situation, and what the best steps are for moving forward.

After completing your assessment, we’ll put together a report with recommendations for future funding.

Working through life transitions

Our social workers want to support you during life transitions. We’ll discuss your different options, connect you with relevant supports, and open the conversation so you can feel comfortable enough to ask questions.

Some examples of life transitions we can help you with are:

  • Moving from primary to secondary school
  • Leaving school to enter adulthood
  • The start of a new relationship
  • Having children
  • Going into retirement
  • Aged care planning
  • Discharge from hospitals after significant life changes, e.g. health deterioration or different care arrangements
  • New living situations, e.g. moving out of your family home.

Navigating supports and services

Our social workers step in to simplify the process for accessing mainstream and community services for you. We ensure you get access to the correct services and help them understand the best way to support you.

Mainstream and community services are usually funded by the government. They may include:

  • Centrelink
  • Department of Justice
  • Department of Education
  • Alcohol and Drug services
  • Department of Communities (Child Protection and Family Services, Housing)
  • WA Health (hospitals, outpatient services, Community Mental Health services)

Risk and crisis management, safeguarding

Unexpected situations can happen at anytime. This happens more frequently if you live with a mental health condition, use alcohol and drugs, have complex medical conditions, or don’t have a stable place to live.

Our social workers respect your right to choose how you want to live. We also understand that you only have limited choices available.

Our focus is your safety and to ensure you have access to help when needed.

We develop a safety plan with you and support you in times of crises. We can also support you to access necessary services for long-term support, e.g. Homelessness services or Family Domestic Violence Services.

Risk and crisis management for families and carers

As a family member or carer of a person with disability, you might need guidance to provide the best possible support.

You might be worried about the health and safety of the person you’re supporting, or about the safety of those around you.

Our social workers help you develop risk management and safety plans and connect you with services that provide additional support.

Capacity building

Our social workers provide short-term therapeutic support and connect you with longer term therapy and medical support, when needed.

We help you with find opportunities that align with your goals, which may include volunteering, finding paid work, building social relationships, learning new skills, or exploring new places.

Capacity building for families and carers

Being a carer may become overwhelming, especially when you’re facing your own health and life challenges.

Our social workers understand the value you bring to the table. That’s why we focus on strengthening you and building your ability to care for your loved one.

We’ll help you through:

  • Arranging short breaks to clear your head
  • Accessing carer support and services
  • Planning for future care.

Individualised planning

Our social workers support you to reach your personal goals with tools such as MAPS and PATH. These tools break down your goals into achievable steps, and make the task seem less daunting. Each plan will be tailored towards your specific needs.

If needed, our social workers will facilitate your own Circle of Support to ensure you keep making progress in your goals.

What are Circles of Support?

Circles of Support is a group of individuals who meet every 4-6 weeks depending on your schedule. Your Circle of Support will work together to devise a plan that promotes and supports your needs. The plan will map out the steps to ultimately reach your goals and build your capacity at a pace you’re comfortable with.

Individuals have different roles depending on the development of your Circle.

Your Circle focuses on building a trusted relationship with you. That’s the best way they can support your decision making and designing ideas within your community.

Our social workers also understand the importance of having healthy relationships. They assist individuals with little or no family contact to meet with unpaid support networks, providing you the opportunity to build strong and lasting relationships.

Should you require additional funding in your NDIS plan, we’ll support you by submitting a recommendation letter for future funding in your new plan.

Episodic case management

Sudden changes in your life, such as a carer becoming unwell, a change in your health, or when you’re not reaching your goals as quickly as you expected.

One-off consultations with our social workers could make the difference. We look at your current situation, review your support system, and make recommendations on what can improve.

In cases of critical situations such as a serious health event or a crisis where your living situation must change, more people could be involved with your support, like justice workers, child protection services, or medical professionals.

Our social workers can also step in to coordinate stakeholder meetings and help you attend them. This gives you a voice in how you want everyone to support you. It also keeps you updated during every step of the process.

Our social workers have experience and knowledge in various fields such as:

  • Paediatric and Adult Health in both inpatient and community settings
  • Paediatric, adolescent, and adult mental health
  • Working with clients within the Justice system (incarcerated and in the community)
  • Immigration (including asylum seekers and refugees and CALD)
  • Children and Young people (including children in out of home care)
  • Developmental and acquired disability.
  • Homelessness/risk of homelessness
  • DOH Applications/Disability housing options
  • Crisis support
  • Aged Care Services
  • Family and Domestic Violence
  • Guardianship and Administration, Enduring Power of Attorney/Guardianship,
  • Future care planning, including Advanced Care Plans and VAD

Have a question about social work?

If you have any questions about Pillar’s social work services, please contact us via our contact form or below.

Ph: (08) 6325 4500
Email: hello@pillar.org.au

Click here to make a referral.